The Tongue Anteriorizor works with almost all airway visualization devices, including the laryngoscope, video laryngoscope, lighted stylet, video stylet, airtraq and fiber optic scope.....

Steps for Using the Tongue Anteriorizor(TA)

⦁    Insert: Put the Tongue Anteriorizor (TA) into the mouth.
⦁    Position: Advance the TA along the posterior wall of the mouth to the base of the tongue.  When pushing the TA forward, avoid displacing any structures to maintain the normal anatomy. 
⦁    Hook: Use the TA to locate the ideal area of the tongue base to hook. This step also fixes the larynx in the midline of the mouth and pulls it toward the mouth slightly. No other airway device has this functionality as their distal ends lack the necessary curvature to sufficiently retract.
⦁    Pull and Straighten: After hooking the tongue, pull it toward the mouth’s opening and simultaneously straighten the TA up in the mouth. The direction of motion is in line with the tongue’s musculature, making it easier to move the tongue anteriorly.  Some clinicians pull the tip of the tongue out of the mouth, which has a similar effect, but lacks the power of retracting from the base of the tongue.
⦁    Lift: As the TA lifts, the tongue will move more anteriorly. When the tongue cannot move further anteriorly, the TA will lift the mandible up as well. This additional retraction is particularly useful in patients who are obese or have a large tongue.

Common mistakes to avoid when using the Tongue Anteriorizor(TA)

⦁    Using TA like a laryngoscope. ( The correct method is hooking and moving the tongue anteriorly.)
⦁    Not reaching all the way to the tongue base.
⦁    Not lining the TA up with the midline of the mouth.
⦁    Not lifting up the tongue enough with the TA.
⦁    Adjusting the distal end of the TA incorrectly.  (To adjust its location, the TA should be detached from the tongue first, moved to the new location, then used to hook and lift the tongue again) 


*Do not use extra force when inserting the TA. Following the posterior wall of the mouth, TA should be able to reach the tongue base easily.                                                                                                                                       *Avoid using TA or exercise extreme caution on patients with a laryngopharyngeal tumor or abscess. 


TA also makes the insertion of LMA (Laryngeal Mask Airway) easy and reliable.